OMG! I almost DNF but got the FTF! SL TFTC!...huh?  

Posted by GeocacheGeek in ,


A friend recently into geocaching asked me about the Geocaching Acronyms today and it hit me I had not yet compiled a list. I'll list them here for those that are new to the hobby/sport and I'll make a side note for them as a permanent fixture on the blog.

CITO - Cache In Trash Out
PAF - Phone A Friend
TFTC - Thanks For The Cache
TFTQF - Thanks For The Quick Find
TFTH - Thanks For The Hide
TNLN - Took Nothing Left Nothing
SL - Signed Log
YAPIDNKA - Yet Another Park I Did Not Know About
FTF - First To Find
DNF - Did Not Find
GZ - Ground Zero
BYOP - Bring Your Own Pen
PQ - Pocket Query
LPC - Lamp Post Cache

This, of course, is not all the acronyms you will come across. These are just the most predominate ones that you will likely encounter every day. There are variations and additions plus more information over at Prime Suspect's GeoLex (The Lexicon of Geocaching)

This entry was posted on Monday, August 10, 2009 at 11:53 AM and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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