Poison Ivy - itchy lil bugger isn't he  

Posted by GeocacheGeek

At work the other day my boss sent out an email letting everyone know that she was off to the Doctor for a steroid shot as she had gotten Poison Ivy again. Poor Traci can just look at the stuff and it heads straight to her eyes :( I had previously advised her about Zanfel but that is only for after exposure and breakout and would do little to help her around the eyes. A fellow cacher, who is seriously allergic, told me about Ivy Block and my wife had just discovered tecnu so I came up with a simple list to share with her, and you, for future prevention, removal, and treatment.

  1. Before you go out, if you're going to be trailblazing or hitting the woods, cover your exposed leg skin and arms with Ivy Block.
  2. If you forget Step 1, after you've been out and exposed, use tecnu before you shower and clean up to remove any residual poison ivy/oak oils
  3. If you forgot both Step 1 and 2 and begin to break out its time for the Zanfel
  4. If all of the above doesn't help or you break out around your eyes then seek immediate medical attention.
Of course if you are careful and avoid any and all 3-leaf vines you'll safe yourself a world of itchy hurt :)

This entry was posted on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 1:48 AM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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