100 caches and counting  

Posted by GeocacheGeek

Geocaching has officially become a full fledged hobby for us now. My son and I are the obsessed ones while my wife says she'd prefer fall/winter caching so there isn't as many weeds and undergrowth to trudge through. ;) I'm a trailblazer/bushwacker. If the GPS says go thatta way and there are weeds in the way I just trudge right on through them. :-D Her? Not so much.

For Father's Day we hit Arabia Mountain Nature Preserve to do some caching. We had an awesome time but called it a day around 2:30 due to the heat. It was 100deg according to the thermometer in my walking staff, the Prius reported 97deg so suffice it to say it was damn hot. We were drenched and only hit the 5 caches around the North end but had a great time. We'll go back on a cooler or overcast day to finish up the remaining 8 caches. I think it's really cool that these caches are available and supported by the Preserve. Kudos to them for supporting Geocaching.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 12:49 PM . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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